Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – How NOT To be Drafted Into The NFL (No Friends Left)

On 02.25.13, In MLM Lead Generation, by

When it comes to building a Network Marketing Business, there are certain ways to approach people, so you don’t become considered a pest. In this quick post, I’m going to offer you a way to help you attract people TO you, instead of repel them AWAY from you.

      Building a home business can be very frustrating if you are not using the proper techniques to approach people. Many new folks come on board not knowing what to say, or how to say it. This is very common.

There are ways to attract people TO you, instead of repelling the AWAY from you. Nobody wants to be drafted into the NFL (NO FRIENDS LEFT) league.
Nobody Likes A Pest

Think of all of the ways society has changed in the last several years to block unwanted advertising and solicitation in our lives. Things like Caller Id, Pop up blockers, Spam blockers, Tivo, and even an Act Of Congress with the DO NOT CALL list. People don’t want to be pestered and bothered.

However, IF you are approaching these people in the right manner, they WILL NOT consider you a pest, AND…they may even pay you to show them the plan.

If you follow the old MLM “dogma” of cold-calling prospects, handing out CD’s, and spending all your money on “opportunity” leads — you’re almost guaranteed to lose most (probably ALL) of your people to competing distributors who can advertise on your front doorstep thanks to Google.

Ever wonder what it would be like to attract endless new customers and distributors to you FASTER and EASIER than you think – even if you haven’t sponsored a single person up to this point?

There are ways of building a Network Marketing Business the Top Earners teach. When Mike Dillard, The King of Attraction Marketing, was 25 years old, he went through the same frustration, not being able to recruit anyone….over and over again.

Mike is now a Mulit-Millionaire, many times over, and is one of the most widely respected Marketers in the World…for developing his Attraction Marketing System.

Every Successful Network Marketer has gone through Mike’s Attraction Marketing Training. Whether you are trying to build a home business (or any other business for that manner), online, or offline, these concepts and practices Mike teaches will help you.

Things You Will Learn:
  • How to immediately get your newest reps into a positive cash flow. (Making it almost impossible for them to ever want to quit or leave your team.)
  • An “almost magic” way to create 100% duplication within your downline
  • The most common “sales killing” mistake people make when sending email to their prospects.
  • How To Get The Posture And Confidence Of The Pro’s:  How to banish any fears of calling your prospects… and start “drawing” people, groups… even entire crowds… to you when you speak.
  • Customers and prospects WILL hunt you down — with credit card in hand.

Every Successful Marketer has this VERY Simple Business Tool in their library and arsenal. Magnetic Sponsoring is also a very nifty lead generation tool used by many of the top online marketers.

If you are Serious about your business, need more leads, and are tired of losing your friends because you don’t know the EXACT words to use…I highly recommend you take a look and see what Magnetic Sponsoring has to offer.

One way to decide if Magnetic Sponsoring is something that could help you is by looking at your Results.

If you happy with the results you are getting in your business, Magnetic Sponsoring is not for you.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault
E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com
Sype: anne-theriault

Wanna Work With Me and learn how to save up to $6,000/Yr on Taxes? Numis Network’s Personal Asset Development Program

Do You want a chance to win a FREE Oz. of Silver EVERY day? Register Here. No Purchase Necessary. Just FREE Silver!

My Mentor’s Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind For Success

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Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – How NOT To be Drafted Into The NFL (No Friends Left)

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – How NOT To be Drafted Into The NFL (No Friends Left)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Who Should I Talk To About My Home Business?

On 02.22.13, In Home Based Business, by

Are you confused and perhaps a little bit apprehensive about “Who” you should be talking to in regards to your Home Based Business? In this very brief video post, I point out something that may very well surprise you. It may just be, that the folks “you think” may not be interested, may the ones who can drive your business to the next level in your Network Marketing Business.

    When it comes to introducing a new home business, people usually find themselves taking 3 different roads.

  1. They want everyone and anyone to join their new home business, regardless of that person’s attitude or interest.
  2. They are very specific and picky, only seeking professionals
  3. They may be very apprehensive about “Who They Think” may be interested or motivated enough to do well in their home business

In this very brief video, I focus on #3. I’ll point out that it’s all about Your Perspective, and who you really should be introducing your home based business to.

The Top Earner and my Personal Mentor in my Gold and Silver Business, was in foreclosure and DIRE financial and emotional ruin, when his best friend approached him about our home business.

If you take the perspective that you are introducing your business to “help others” (many people don’t), and not “sell to them,” (most people do), you will realize you have an abundance of people you can actually talk to about your home business.

You NEVER know, whose personal, emotional and financial life….you may be effecting and changing in the process.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault
E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com
Sype: anne-theriault

Do You want a chance to win a FREE Oz. of Silver EVERY day?  Register Here.   No Purchase Necessary. Just FREE Silver!

Wanna Work With Me? Numis Network’s Personal Asset Development Program

My Mentor’s Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind For Success

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Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Who Should I Talk To About My Home Business?

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Who Should I Talk To About My Home Business?

Sometimes the last person "You Think" may be interested in your home business, may be the EXACT person who drives your business to the next level in your company.

Please share if you think it may help your team or someone else.

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Proper Mindset Is The Ultimate Key To A Successful Home Business

Proper Mindset Is The Ultimate Key To A Successful Home Business On 02.20.13, In Mindset, by Anne Aside from a lack of motivation and extreme self discipline, many Network Marketers fail in this wonderful Industry due to an improper mindset. In this quick video, I explain the correlation between a positive, healthy mindset, and it’s direct relation to creating a prosperous home based business.          Many folks struggle to make it in the Network Marketing Industry. It’s a known fact, there is a 97% failure rate in Network Marketing. Aside from lack of self discipline and motivation, proper mindset is a HUGE contributing factor. I often tell my team that building a successful network marketing business, is 10% talent and 90% Mindset. In this brief video, I explain this correlation between a having a healthy mindset, and creating a prosperous home based business. I also give you tips on how to easily shift and correct your mindset, if it is defaulting to negativity and mediocrity.     Folks may argue that it is difficult to shift their train of thinking, when the World around them is in a constant negative state. It’s easier to train your subconscious mind than you may think. The subconscious mind is like a muscle. When you begin to fill it with personal growth and self development concepts, you begin training it to default to a positive, healthy state. It becomes stronger, eventually deflecting any negativity or drama driven thoughts to enter into it. My personal mentor Ray Higdon’s course The Power Mind literally transformed my personal life, as well as my business life. It allowed me to “Flip the Switch” on my thinking, allowing me to attract the right thoughts and people into my life. The end result turning my thoughts of mediocrity, into those of abundance and prosperity. I have immersed myself in many books, and have done intense thought therapy throughout my life. The results I was seeking never presented themselves, until I began applying the very simple and effective concepts Ray teaches in his 6hr video course. I highly recommend The Power Mind if you are seeking to attract abundance and prosperity into your personal, as well as your business life. To Your Abundance, Anne Theriault E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com Sype: anne-theriault   Wanna Work With Me? Numis Network’s Personal Asset Development Program My Mentor’s Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind For Success Did This Blog Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook, Twitter, or your Favorite Social Media Site Interact with me on Twitter Follow My Adventures on Facebook Subscribe To My Updates Via E-mail Related posts: The Power Of Posturing To Build A Successful Home Business Are You “Afraid” To Talk To People About Your Home Business? Generating Leads For Your Home Business Duplication Is Key To A Successful Network Marketing Business via karemlmsecrets.com

Proper Mindset Is The Ultimate Key To A Successful Home Business

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Answers To Common Network Marketing Objections

On 02.18.13, In MLM Recruiting, by

As a Home Based Business owner, you will be faced with a variety of objections from your prospect. The manner in which you handle these common objections, will determine whether your prospect will Join you in your business or not. In this brief video, I share some of the most common objections you will face as a network marketer and some of my very direct responses to them.

Prospects throw objections at you when you’re sharing your business opportunity with them because they want to see you sweat. Your prospect wants to see how strong of a leader and entrepreneur you really are. They want to test you, and see if they can take away your power and direct it toward them.

In this brief video, I share a few of the most common Network Marketing objections you will hear from your prospect, and share my very direct  responses, that have been extremely effective at weeding out the serious prospect, from the “Tire Kickers.”




Additional Helpful Tips:

  • Always listen carefully and never interrupt or anticipate what you think they might say. This is about them and not you.
  • Never argue. You don’t have time for confrontations. If they want to argue simply tell them “Listen Joe, I see that this is not a fit for you or my team. I wanna thank you for your time…goodbye” and hang up.
  • Say as little as possible. Your main job is to ask questions and listen. The moment you feel they are ready to join you in your business, Tell them they’re ready...don’t ask them if they are. You’ll be surprised on how well this works.

“Hey Joe, it sounds like you are ready join me and my team. Let’s go ahead and get your information and get you started in the business.”

Sometimes a little guiding is what some folks are unconsciously looking for, and is why this approach works so well.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault
E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com
Sype: anne-theriault


Wanna Work With Me? Numis Network’s Personal Asset Development Program

My Mentor’s Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind For Success

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No related posts.

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Answers To Common Network Marketing Objections

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Answers To Common Network Marketing Objections

In this brief video, I share some of the most common objections you will face as a network marketer and some of my very direct responses to them.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Overcoming Your Fear Of Rejection In Network Marketing

Overcoming Your Fear Of Rejection In Network Marketing On 02.13.13, In Home Based Business, Network Marketing Help, by Anne Fear of rejection is a very normal feeling, whether it be in your personal life, or your business life. Crippling fear is destructive and can become completely debilitating if you are trying to build a home business. In this quick video post, I’m gonna share the secret strategy I’ve used, that helped me overcome my fear of rejection, enabling me to introduce my Networking Marketing Business to anyone, anywhere…without any fear.     Everyone experiences anxiety when faced with talking to others about their new home business. Sabotaging self chatter begins in your mind and eventually it will consume us. I was terrified when I first began introducing folks to my home business. I’d stare at the phone and shake. My heart would begin racing. I would literally play out the conversation in my mind before I even picked up the phone to call anyone. They are gonna think I’m trying to “Sell” them something  They are gonna think I am trying to make $$ off of them  They are gonna tell me I’m crazy and it’s a scam  I really don’t know what to say to them  I’m not sure I can answer their questions  They are gonna say No Does this scenario sound all to familiar? In this quick video, I share the strategy I was taught, that helped me conquer my fear when introducing my network marketing business to my prospects. So, you see…we all experience the same fear and self chatter. The difference is successful network marketers have a fear of rejection too, they just do it anyway. These assumptions we place in our mind are destructive and serve absolutely no purpose to you, or will ever make you any $$ in your home business. When ever you feel that familiar fear of rejection creeping over you, crippling and terrifying you, Take Action and do it anyway. It is THESE defining moments that will show you what you are really made of . Just remember this simple concept: If you don’t even bother to ask, the answer is already NO. If you DO ask, there’s a 50/50 chance they will say YES.  IF YOU NEVER ASK, THE ANSWER IS ALREADY NO If you wanna pick up the book I mentioned in the video, you can grab it here. The Go For No Official Site “I’ve learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear” ~ Nelson Mandela You Deserve Success and a Life Full of Abundance. To Your Abundance, Anne Theriault E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com Sype: anne-theriault   Wanna Work With Me? Numis Network’s Personal Asset Development Program My Mentor’s Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind For Success Did This Blog Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook, Twitter, or your Favorite Social Media Site Interact with me on Twitter Follow My Adventures on Facebook Subscribe To My Updates Via E-mail   Related posts: Are You “Afraid” To Talk To People About Your Home Business? via karemlmsecrets.com

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Overcoming Your Fear Of Rejection In Network Marketing

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Overcoming Your Fear Of Rejection In Network Marketing

Here's a simple strategy to get over your fear of talking to people about you home business


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Generating Leads For Your Home Business

Network Marketing Training By Kare MLM Secrets – Generating Leads For Your Home Business

~ This will help you if you've exhausted your "Warm Market" in any home business ~

Please share around if you think it may help someone ~ Thanks!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Network Marketers Are NOT Sales People

Network Marketers Are NOT Sales People

~ I just made a video that will hopefully clarify the grave misconception that Network Marketers and Home Business Owners are "Sales People" ~

Please share around if you think it will help someone. Thanks.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Blockbuster Miracle

My Blockbuster Miracle


Have you ever wondered about that “gut” feeling or “Inner Voice” we all carry with us? How many times have you asked yourself where your life would be if you had made a different choice at a certain time? Could the Universe really be trying to communicate with us?

Destiny?  Fate?  Coincidence?

There are turning points in our lives.  Whether we recognize them or not, they can happen to any one of us, anywhere at any time. Mine came in the form of a Mom and her young son. I invite you to follow me as I share with you my life altering encounter that would forever change the path my life would take.

March 17, 2006.

I had been invited to a St. Patrick’s Day party but gracefully declined, deciding instead, to spend a quiet night at home watching movies.  As I was sifting through the endless choices at the local Blockbuster store, a woman shopping with her young son engages me in a conversation. Small talk ensues, inadvertently shifting to business. We quickly became friends.  As the weeks passed, our friendship grew. We were introduced to each other’s worlds, where we live, what our likes and dislikes are and what we do for work.  We all experience this as we develop friendships never consciously thinking about it. This time was different. My instincts were telling me that there was something about her that really made me want to know “what made her tick.”

She was a single Mom, running three businesses out of her home, along with raising two very active young children, yet always doing it in a loving and nurturing way with a smile on her face.

Monday morning observation 8:00 am

The kids are getting ready for school. She is on the telephone in her home office as the other phone line starts ringing. As someone begins knocking at the door, her 9 year old son is at her desk asking where his shoes and homework are. She glances around the room and notices the dog is chewing on one of the shoes underneath the secretary’s desk. Within a few minutes, she manages it all and things are back to normal.

More than likely we have all been through something very similar. How we handle the situation depends on our character. Seeing her “put out all of these fires” with such patience, finesse and grace, I was awestruck. Why was she able to do this when I thought I was ready to jump off a bridge? The answer is simple.

She was happy in her “World.”

I quickly realized my world was cheating me out of something I felt I justly deserved…happiness. After all, the world owed me just that! I had followed life’s protocol. Graduating from high school, I had gone to College, and earned my bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology. For nearly 18 years, I had pursued my career as a Medical Technologist at the local Medical Center. So why was I so miserable? Why didn’t I feel like I was making a difference? What was my purpose in life? The answer again became apparent to me.

I was not happy in my “World.”

I had allowed “life’s protocol” to determine my happiness. After all, that is what society teaches us. At that instant I had two choices. I could keep things status quo with my mundane life,  or I could step out of my comfort zone and start making some changes. The choice had become abundantly clear to me.  As I watched my new “friend from the movie store,” I realized she also had something I seemed to have lost along the way. She had spirit. She had a love and a passion for life and for the things that surround us everyday…people, work, kids and sheer chaos. These were not burdens to her, they were blessings.

Suddenly and unknowingly, she had ignited an entrepreneur spark inside of me.  And so my mission began.

August 2006…5 months later.

I have decided to leave my job. I am now unemployed. I am free and facing fear right in the face, but I am happy. My life is now in my control. The decisions and choices I make about the days to come are now on my terms. I am in command of my own destiny…my future is my own, and my spirit is back!

Oct. 2009

The last three years have taken me through trials, tribulations, uncertainty, and ultimately great successes. I am the owner of a Successful Landscaping Company I built with my own two hands. My feet are also now firmly planted on the ground. My vision is clear. I am on the road to living my dream through the exciting world of Internet  and Network Marketing. I love ringing phones, interruptions and unexpected chaos again!

Today…February 2013

Magical and exciting adventures continue to surface in my life every day. I have learned to Attract and Manifest EXACTLY what I want for myself through my thoughts and actions. I was able to sell my landscaping business a few years ago in the most dire economy, since the Great Depression.

Some folks say “I was lucky.” There is no such thing. I was able to sell my business because I “Believed” I would. I created a clear vision and NEVER lost sight of it. I made it sell, by my thoughts and by Setting My Intention…

…….and The Universe Responded Accordingly.


I thank my “friend from the movie store” for unlocking that part of me that was quietly hiding behind a wall of fear. I also thank the Universe for consistently sending me messages to follow my “gut.” I will never know if it was destiny, fate or coincidence that brought us together on that day in March. What I do know, is my life would never be as abundant as it is today, if I had made a different choice.

Keep your eyes, mind and heart wide open as you never know when, or in what form your miracle will appear…

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault
E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com
Sype: anne-theriault


~ My Mentor’s Powerful Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind To Attract Abundance and The Many Blessings I am So Grateful for Today ~

How I Became an "Intentional Creator" of My Amazing & Beautiful Life

My Blockbuster Miracle

My Blockbuster Miracle

How I Became an "Intentional Creator" of My Amazing & Beautiful Life

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Backlinks ~ What They Are And Why They Matter

On 02.09.13, In Internet Business Tips, by

Backlinks are the lifeblood of website positioning in the various search engines. Building Backlinks for your blog or website is quite straightforward. With the advent and increased popularity of Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Social Bookmarking Sites, obtaining backlinks for your Website or Blog should no longer be viewed as an arduous chore.

What Are Backlinks?

Backlinks are links coming into your Internet site. They are commonly referred to as inbound links. Backlinks are links on one website, that lead or “point back” to another site. The significance of backlinks lies in search engine optimization (SEO).

The Significance Of Backlinks

Backlinks are the lifeblood of website positioning in the various search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Backlinks from authoritative sites relevant to a given topic are highly valuable. The more established and high quality the website is that contains the link, the more power it has to help the linked website with its search engine positioning. As your website acquires more high quality backlinks, its ranking will be optimized and climb in the search engine’s directory. Your increased ranking will result in more traffic to your blog or website.

Outside of search engine optimization, backlinks also indicate your personal and cultural audience, indicating who is paying attention to your page, from all over the globe.

How To Obtain Backlinks

Backlinks for you website can be obtained in several different ways. Many people advocate writing and submitting articles to the various online article sites, such as Ezines, Article Base, Helium and many more. “Spinning” articles is also very popular and effective. Always include hyperlinks from your website, in your articles and resource boxes.

Commenting on blogs and forums is a speedy and simple way to gain backlinks to your site. Just remember to include your link in your signature file.

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are also great ways to gain backlinks. It can be as effortless as sending a tweet. Include your web address on your Facebook profile and make it visible to everyone. Utilize the Networked Blogs application, so your most recent blog posts will shoot out to Facebook on autopilot.

Social bookmarking websites are also very popular to gain backlinks to your blog or website. Social bookmarking sites hold a very popular community aspect to them. They facilitate information sharing which includes profiles, photos, videos, and favorite websites by the user. Flickr.com, Digg.com, Propeller.com, Reddit.com, and del.icio.us.com are just a few of the numerous social bookmarking sites available today.

With the advent of what is referred to as Web 2.0, gaining backlinks for your blog or website is easier now than in any time in the history of the Internet.

Most websites have developed an interactive aspect to them. Readers can register and create a profile. Once their profile is created, they can easily post comments on the various articles, stories or blog posts. In most cases, the website or blog owner will reply to the submitted comments, turning the section of the blog or website into a conversation with the reader.

The End Result

Not only will building backlinks increase your search engine ranking, it will also invariably increase your credibility with your readers and potential customers.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault
E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com
Sype: anne-theriault


My Mentor’s Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind For Success

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~ If you have a blog or a website, this will help you increase your SEO ~

Share around if you think it may help someone

♪♪♪ Happy Weekend ♪♪♪

Backlinks ~ What They Are And Why They Matter

Backlinks ~ What They Are And Why They Matter

~ If you have a blog or a website, this will help you increase your SEO ~

Share around if you think it may help someone

♪♪♪ Happy Weekend ♪♪♪

Friday, February 8, 2013

Key Points On Why The iLA Business Appeals To The Masses

On 02.08.13, In Home Based Business, by

A quick overview of the Inspired Living Application, or iLA business model, created by CEO John Rodgers. In this video, I introduce some of the most appealing Key points I discovered, when I joined Inspired Living Application. My goal is to help you make a decision on whether you want to become a part of this Rapidly Growing Technology Driven, Home Business Opportunity.

       The Inspired Living Application business opportunity has rapidly become Viral Worldwide. The iLA Business platform is simply a Mobile Application, integrated with a Network Marketing or Home Based Business.

People from all walks of life have become involved with Inspired Living App for various reasons.

In the following video, I introduce some of the most appealing Key points I quickly discovered, when I joined The Inspired Living Application Business.


Now that you have seen some of the Key points about Inspired Living Application, I hope you will be able to make a concrete decision on whether The iLA business opportunity is something you would like to be a part of.

If you would like to Join Me and My Team in the Inspired Living App Business, You May Enroll by Clicking this Link.

You will be Enrolled by my Business Which is KARE Marketing.

Once I have seen you’ve enrolled, I will call you, and work side by side with you, to help you get started in Building a Successful iLA Business.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

My Mentor’s Mindset Training That PROGRAMMED My Mind For Success

Wanna be personally mentored by me? Work With Anne

Personal Asset Development Program

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~ What I Personally Discovered When I Joined The Inspired Living Application Business ~

Key Points On Why The iLA Business Appeals To The Masses

Key Points On Why The iLA Business Appeals To The Masses

~ What I Personally Discovered When I Joined The Inspired Living Application Business ~

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Inspired Living Application Presentation

The Inspired Living Application Presentation

The Inspired Living Application Is A Mobile Application, Containing High Quality Personal Growth and Self Development Videos.

Something Incredible Is Happening:

NEVER Before, has a Mobile Application, Been Integrated With a Network Marketing or Home Business Opportunity, Allowing the Average Person to Benefit Personally and Financially.


Being Positioned In Front of a Massive Global Trend…

The Next 8 Minutes Will Certainly Change Your Life.

Listen Carefully to What is Undoubtedly, One of the MOST Lucrative and Duplicatable Home Based Business on the Market Today.



Now that you’ve seen the key points about The Inspired Living Application and how Simple and Duplicatable it is…Get back with the person who invited you to view this presentation and enroll with them right away.


If you were invited by me, you may enroll with me and my Team by clicking  This Link. You will be enrolled by KARE Marketing.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

~ This is an Overview of The Inspired Living Application Business, Done by "Yours Truly." If you are on my team, or part of the iLA Business, I'd love your feedback. If you want to use it for your prospects, I included a "Direct Call To Action" to get back with the person who invited them ~

~If you laugh at my crow's feet, my voice or my desperate need for a haircut, I will un-friend you ;-) Are we clear? ♪♪♪ Let's Roll ♪♪♪


My Network Marketing Obituary

My Network Marketing Obituary

★★ May help you "Resuscitate" Your Suffering Home Business ★★

Share around if you think it may help someone...Happy Thursday!

My Network Marketing Obituary

On 02.07.13, In Network Marketing Help, by

Has your Network Marketing business been “Flatlined?” If it is, it may be time to pull the life support plug, seek qualified help, and start learning and using some different techniques. It may be just a matter of shifting your thinking. In this post, I’m going to explain how I resuscitated my dead network marketing business into something that is very alive and well today.

      A few years ago, I finally decided it was time to pull the plug on my traditional failing network marketing business, and allow it to die a quiet, peaceful, and dignified death. The honest truth is, I had been extremely selfish in letting it suffer for so long. Together, we had been assaulted, battered and bruised. My Network Marketing business had 2 shattered legs and had lost all of its pizzazz. The traditional network marketing principles I had been using, such as out dated, old school silly pitch and chase methods, along with harassing my circle of influence, were no longer effective in today’s’ modern network marketing world. I decided the time was right to bury my dead Network Marketing business, and move on.

“When one door closes, another one opens” ~ Alexander Graham Bell

Now the truth is, I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of achieving success with network marketing. I’ve always been someone who goes after what I want. I had never settled for mediocrity in my life, and I wasn’t about to start at this point. I had acquired a clear vision of success for myself, and I wasn’t willing to allow one failure knock me out of the game.

One Sunday afternoon, my network marketing perspective took a crucial turn. I finally humbled myself, turned to my good buddy Google, and typed in 3 simple words…”Network Marketing Help.” There it was, right in front of me. Staring back at me from my computer screen was the answer I had been looking for. It was called Attraction Marketing. Attraction Marketing  is a proven network marketing training system, which teaches network marketing strategies and business principles.

It was written by a young man named Mike Dillard. Mike had also struggled with his Network Marketing career for a lengthy period of time. In his generous attempt to give back to other defeated network marketers, Mike wrote Magnetic Sponsoring, which is the exact formula he used to turn his tormented and distressed network marketing business into a success.

I opted in….and I began this tremendous magical journey I hope will never end.

I quickly immersed myself into this simple network marketing training program which had suddenly given me hope again.

The system teaches attraction marketing and leadership techniques, along with principles of human psychology. Magnetic Sponsoring advises you on how to shift your thinking away from ineffective old school network marketing techniques used by up-lines still stuck in the 80′s and 90’s.

Magnetic Sponsoring shows you how to embrace and implement the network marketing strategies and techniques used in today’s modern world. Mike teaches you that Network Marketing is a real business, not a “get rich quick” scheme, or a “sign up” game. Magnetic Sponsoring illustrates that the time and effort you put into your network marketing business will be directly related to the success you will achieve.

I quickly began to comprehend that Network Marketing had nothing to do with the company’s product or the compensation plan I had been regurgitating to everyone about for so long. Network marketing was essentially about  building solid relationships, credence, trust, and about helping other people achieve their dreams of success.

Magnetic Sponsoring teaches you that once these standard business and leadership principles are implemented, building your network marketing company downline…is basically “a piece of cake.”

Today, my network marketing business has 2 strong legs, is vigorous, healthy and very much alive. There is not a solitary sign of sickness, frailty, nor does it display a single limitation.

If you sense that your Network Marketing business is circling the drain or is heading for the grave, I suggest you stop chasing your tail, and learn network marketing techniques the professional marketers are using to build their network marketing empires.

By providing value to others and becoming a problem solver, you are able to attract folks TO you, instead of repelling them AWAY from you.

If you are ready “To Pulling the Plug” on your Dead MLM…check out how Magnetic Sponsoring can resuscitate your Home Business, and put you back in the game.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

My Mentor’s Mindset Training That PROGRAMMED My Mind For Success

Wanna be personally mentored by me? Work With Anne

Personal Asset Development Program

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★★ May help you "Resuscitate" Your Suffering Home Business ★★

Share around if you think it may help someone...Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Duplication Is Key To A Successful Network Marketing Business

On 02.06.13, In Network Marketing Help, by

Duplication in Network Marketing is perhaps the most important aspect of building a Successful Network Marketing Business. Many new marketers fail to “Crack the Code,” as they continuously look for “other” ways to build their team and grow their downline. In this post, I’m gonna show you that a simple set of skills can be leveraged to shorten or completely remove your learning curve.

Wikipedia defines “Reinventing the Wheel” as a phrase that means to duplicate a basic method that has already previously been created or optimized by others. If you are trying to reinvent the wheel in your Network Marketing, you are most certainly doomed for failure.

With today’s advances in technology, building a Network Marketing or Internet Marketing business is easier than ever. Back in the 70′s when the Internet wasn’t available as a business building tool, Network Marketers had to rely solely on home meetings and handing out fliers. The learning curve was also much more difficult, as webinars and online training tools and videos were not available.

One of the biggest mistakes made in the industry today, is that new recruits are constantly trying to reinvent the wheel. They will join a Network Marketing business and immediately think they are an MLM guru. They try to create their own training pages for their specific MLM, or tell their upline how things should be done. I’m not talking about writing blog posts or articles, as this is a tremendous tool to add value to folks and to brand yourself as a leader. What I’m referring to is trying to recreate and alter a system that has already proven to produce a positive outcome.

Trying to reinvent the wheel in your MLM business will cause confusion, frustration and failure…for you as well as for your new recruits. Do yourself a favor and just be the Inviter. Expose people to your business through third party tools (videos, webinars), that have already been set in place and established  by your network marketing company. Follow up with your prospect and if they have further questions, let the leaders who have proven the system works, take the next step with your prospects.

They have created a simple system of duplication. Simplicity and duplication in your Network Marketing business are the 2 Key Factors in maintaining a high retention rate, and will be reflected in your commission check.

In my Network Marketing Company, the top earners have developed a simple and duplicatable system that has proven to create wealth and a positive outcome. Team members are provided training tools as well as access to some of the most value packed training pages available. Videos, webinars and blog posts are some of the tools we are provided with to help us create a simple, duplicatable process.

One guy in my home business recruited 14 people. He taught duplication to those 14 people and rose through the ranks quicker, than the reps who had recruited 50 or more, and had not focused on duplication.

Having established systems in place that create online and offline duplication in Network Marketing,  is the key to massive momentum and success in your home business.

Few network marketers actually meet this aspiration or dream of Network Marketing Success.  Those marketers who are “living the dream” can testify that Network Marketing Success is all about simple duplication.

Essentially, building a Network Marketing business today mirrors a game we all learned as a young child…

It’s a simple game of Follow The Leader.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Wanna Work With Me? Work With Anne

My Mentor’s Mindset Training that crafted and  programmed my mind for success. 


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Many folks "Miss The Mark" on this one...focus on duplication ~ So important!

Duplication Is Key To A Successful Network Marketing Business

Duplication Is Key To A Successful Network Marketing Business

Many folks "Miss The Mark" on this one...focus on duplication ~ So important!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Inspired Living Application Has Gone Viral Worldwide

On 02.05.13, In Home Based Business, by

The Online World is “buzzing” with excitement since the launch of The Inspired Living App and the Incredible Home Business Opportunity it provides. One of the reasons is, Never before has the Billion Dollar Mobile Application Industry, been coupled with the Network Marketing Industry. According to John Rodgers, CEO of Inspired Living Application, the iLA Mobile Application Company has Officially Gone Viral Worldwide, and continues to grow at an Enormous Rate.

Inspired Living Application has approximately 45,000 Associates in a Mere 29 days of it’s existence. NEVER before in the history of the Network Marketing, Direct Sales and the Home Based Business Industry, has the Billion dollar Application Service, been coupled with an opportunity of this magnitude.

To quote John Rodgers, CEO of iLA:

” It’s the first App of its kind. It 1. iLA Delivers high quality personal development videos to a person’s mobile device and 2. Makes it possible for the average person to profit from the application explosion.”

This was posted in our Secret Facebook Mastermind group a few days ago…


Why Are So Many People Joining iLA?

Folks are joining iLA for many reasons:

  • At $9.95 iLA Is Extremely Affordable
  • Because of it’s Affordable Price, iLA Appeals To The Masses
  • The iLA Business Platform Is Simple and Completely Duplicatable
  • The Compensation Plan Is Very Appealing
  • Enrolling Folks Is As Easy As Pushing A Button On Your Smartphone Or E-Mailing Them A Video
  • Folks From All Walks Of Life Are Looking For Additional Streams Of Income Due To The Poor Economy
  • The ILA Leadership Is “Top Notch” In The Home Based Business Industry With A Proven Success Record To Back It
  • The iLA Community Includes Facebook Mastermind Groups Including John Rodgers, The CEO of Inspired Living Apps who is a member and a participant.

Many folks building Primary businesses with Visalus, Send Out Cards, Numis Network, Beach Body, Nerium, and many, many others, have enrolled in iLA as well…to create a secondary income. The leaders of these Network Marketing Companies encourage their members to join iLA, as it is a personal growth and self development tool.

Ask any of the Inspired Living App associates and they will tell you the MOST important thing that has transpired since the inception and the launch of iLA, Is not the income potential, nor is it the application itself…

It’s that the associates of Inspired Living Application, have become a family with a common vision and purpose.

Our Inspired Living Application family is about Freedom, Family, Wealth and Free Enterprise. It’s about Truth, Guts and Integrity. We are a team of folks who dare to think differently….

We are a team of passionate leaders with servant’s hearts...

We are a team with a vision for our families and for our futures. A vision for a better life. A vision to make a significant difference in someone else’s World ~

Read this Inspiring Note John’s wife Cindy wrote describing her Visionary Husband…“Congratulations Are In Order”

The Inspired Living Application Team and it’s Leaders, are on the Forefront of one of the most exciting Technology Driven Business Opportunities of it’s kind. ~

If you would like more information on the Inspired Living App, you can read My Personal Review Of Inspired Living App, as well as the additional Inspired Living Application “In A Nutshell.”

If you were invited to look at this Inspired Living Application information by someone other than me, please contact them if you are interested in becoming part of their team.

If you were invited by me and would like to Join me and my Ila team, you can do so by Clicking this Link To Enroll.

“If you help people and care for them, the money will chase you down” ~ John Rodgers – CEO Inspired Living Application

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

My Mentor’s Mindset Training that Pulled me out of my Extreme Depression, Released me from my Dire Circumstances, and Crafted and  Programmed my Mind for Success.


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May help you understand why iLA is not only a wonderful income opportunity, but that relationships and vision are at the Forefront.

Inspired Living Application Has Gone Viral Worldwide

Inspired Living Application Has Gone Viral Worldwide

 May help you understand why iLA is not only a wonderful income opportunity, but that relationships and vision are at the Forefront.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Personal Coaching With Anne

Personal Coaching With Anne

As an online Internet and Network Marketer for 3 years, I can offer you solutions to many of the problems people are faced with when it comes to building a sustainable business, and literally help you shave months off the learning curve associated with it.

I offer Free 15 minute phone consultations to determine what your needs and deficiencies may be, and what areas you feel you would need the most help with regarding your business.


After the Free 15 minute consultation, you will have the option of working one on one with me at an hourly rate (via Skype or telephone) to correct the areas that need attention to achieve the results you desire to make your online or offline business successful.

I also teach blogging, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, using social media for profit, article marketing, SEO and branding yourself online, allowing you create multiple streams of income.

E-mail me: anne@annemtheriault.com



Are You A Social Media D-Bag?

On 02.04.13, In Social Media, by

Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, You-Tube, Pinterest and Linkedin have become some of the most valuable and effective tools in today’s Online Marketing Business World. If used correctly, Social Media Marketing can have an extremely positive impact on the growth and fate of your Online or Offline business. Consequently, if used improperly, it can create disastrous and unfortunate results, and suck a whole bunch of $$ from you.

  Social media has quickly replaced porn and become the #1 activity on the web. Facebook, Twitter, You-Tube, Linkedin and Blogger have allowed friends as well as strangers to connect, share, interact and discuss virtually anything…from recipes and Rock-stars…to grandchildren and gaming.

Sometimes folks tend to forget that social media sites are a place to interact and to build healthy relationships with people.  There is a reason social media marketing is known as relationship marketing. Spamming and slamming folks with your business opportunity links is a sure fire way to be labeled as a social media douchebag.

Here are some other ways to qualify for “Social Media Douchebaggery:”

  • Your sole purpose to connect with new friends is for self promotion or to make $$ on them.
  • Slapping your business opportunity on someone’s wall as soon as they confirm you as a friend. That’s like walking into someone’s home without even saying hello. My advice to you is…Make like Frogger and “Go play in traffic.”
  • Offering FREE, FREE, FREE stuff repeatedly to someone. Here’s an eye opener for you. FREE is not really FREE. Why you ask? Because my time costs $$$ and If I’m going to look at your FREE stuff…it better be worth my time in Gold. If folks really want your FREE stuff, they will find a way to hunt you down and get it. Stop shoving it in their faces.
  • Add friends to your FB or Twitter, then never interact with that person again. Thanks, Douchebagger…glad I boosted your social media numbers for you.
  • Spewing about your drunkin’ weekend shenanigans. I’m not sure what kind of value that adds to boost your credibility, integrity and reputation…when you figure it out, let me know.
  • Using profanity and racial slurs (self explanatory).
  • Never engaging in conversation with others. Social media interaction is a prerequisite if you want to make a “splash” in the social media marketing world.

It’s important that you position yourself to be an expert so that your audience will learn to trust your advice. Whatever you do, you must avoid spamming. Your content should strive to provide value, engage and enrich. If you want to convert visitors into customers, always follow up with connections.

If you use social media the correct way, it can be an incredible tool to spread the word about your Company, brand or product. Consequently, one mistake can tarnish your reputation, credibility and integrity, and should never be underestimated.

Common Sense Is Key.

Remember, your social media reputation is your digital signature. Be conscientious when using it….and remember the Social Media Golden Rule:

“Tweet Others the Way You Would Want to be Tweeted” :)

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Wanna Work With Me? Work With Anne

My Mentor’s Mindset Training that pulled me out of my extreme depression, released me from my dire circumstances, crafted and  programmed my mind for success, eventually taking me to the Incredible place I am in my life today. 


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Good Monday Morning!

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Are You A Social Media D-Bag?

Are You A Social Media D-Bag?

Good Monday Morning!

Share around if you think it will help someone...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Setting Intention" To Attract The Life You Desire And Deserve

"Setting Intention" To Attract The Life You Desire And Deserve

~ This will help you program your mind for the Success you Want...and Deserve ~

Please share around if you think it may help someone...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Residual Income In A Nutshell

On 02.02.13, In Financial Fitness, by

Imagine getting a $2500 residual income check in the mail month after month after month. How would your life be different? To many people, earning a significant residual income is what fairy tale dreams are made of. It doesn’t seem real or even possible. In this post, I’m gonna explain what residual income is, how IT IS possible, and why millions of folks around the World have jumped on the residual income bandwagon.

    What is residual income and why is everyone talking about it? Residual income is the holy grail among Network Marketers, home business owners and Internet Marketers. Everyone is talking about it because in the very definition of the concept, lies a great promise of earning money without trading dollars for hours (let me explain).

Unlike a regular job, where you are trading “dollars for hours worked,” residual, (also know as passive, or leveraged income), earners continue to get paid over and over again, even after the work has been done.
The residual income definition is that:

“You do your work once and then you get paid over and over again for it.”

Wikipedia describes it as “Income received on a regular basis, with little or no effort required to maintain it.”

OK, now that I’ve defined it, intrigued you and have your undivided attention, let’s see if I can make you FEEL the meaning of true residual income.

Growing Up As A Kid

Let yourself drift back to when you were a young child. What did you do? What were those years like? Maybe you splashed in the pool, rode your bike with friends, climbed trees, had snowball fights, or maybe you even built a fort in the woods. I did many of those things as I’m sure you did too. Do you remember it as the most carefree time of your life? Now let me ask you this question.

Did you ever worry about money when you were a child, doing all the things that kids do?

Of course you didn’t.

Achieving true residual income will allow you to propel yourself to that exact frame of mind again, since money will never be a concern.

Inside Secrets of Writers And Musicians

Imagine you’re a writer and you write a novel that hits the Best Seller’s List. Voila! You have just received residual income. Your bestselling novel will continue to make money for you long after you write it…and for many years to come.

Think of the newest recording artists in the music industry. One single song will sell millions of copies, over and over again. Some songs may even become classics, and continue to sell and make money for the artist for decades.

In A Nutshell

Residual income guantees that you will have complete control over the most important things in your life. What could be more important than tucking your kids into bed before they go to sleep at night, reading your favorite book by the pool on a hot summer afternoon, or taking the family on a spontaneous trip to a far away land? How rewarding would it be to allow your husband or wife to quit their arduous and exhausting “day job”?

You’re probably saying to yourself, “I’m not a writer or a musician Anne, I can’t do those things.”

~ Well, I’m not either, my friend. My singing would scare a pigeon away from a McDonald’s french fry. :)

My point is, you have to search deep down within yourself and ask…do I have a Core desire to achieve that reality?

Do I crave that type of lifestyle for myself and for my family?

How determined am I to make it happen?

Am I willing to sacrifice some of the secure, comfortable and convenient segments of my life for awhile, in order to achieve my dream?

Am I willing to eat, breathe, and sleep building a Home Based Business, for however long it takes?

It isn’t easy to build a Network Marketing or home business business. At times it can be down right frustrating and baffling. For the first several months I wondered around the Web aimlessly. I felt like I was an airline pilot, flying around the sky in an endless holding pattern.

Eventually, all of the little pieces begin to fit together, like a perfectly snug little puzzle.

Allowing yourself to look beyond the temporary frustrations, you will discover the most satisfying aspects about building a Home Based Business.

Solid and sincere relationships and friendships are formed among like minded motivated strangers, from all over the globe, who generously reach out to one another, and lend a helping hand. They may be in London, New Zealand, California or Timbuktu. You may encounter a social media buff, a Twitter guru, a marketing expert, a techy back office specialist, or maybe even one of the world’s most prominent and Top Notch Marketers…

They will reach out, point and lead the way for you…all you have to do is follow.

Building a Successful Home Business is exactly like the fun game we all learned as children…

“Follow The Leader”

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

P.S. If you wanna work side by side with me, and start building real residual income like so many others, Click on the Mobile Device below to get Started ~




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Residual Income In A Nutshell

Residual Income In A Nutshell

This will help you understand why so many folks are building a home business

Share around if it helps... Happy Weekend!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Keys To Choosing A Network Marketing Company

On 01.29.13, In Home Based Business, by

With the economy in dire straights and “circling the drain,” many folks are looking to the home based business industry to create an additional stream of income to protect their families financial future. Let’s face it… there are more new MLM companies being launched today, than any other time in history. This really adds to the confusion and can make your head spin. In this post, I’m going to give you some important tips to look for, to evaluate which network marketing opportunity may be a “fit” for you.

Are you scratching you head asking yourself, “how on earth do you choose the right Network Marketing company to work with?”  There are now thousands of different network marketing companies, with millions of distributors worldwide telling you that their opportunity is “the best.”

In order to simplify things for you, I will give you some important tips to take into consideration when evaluating different network marketing business opportunities… to help you chose which company is the best “fit” for you.


Ask yourself these questions about the Founders

- Do the founders of the company have prior experience in this industry? If so, have they been successful?
- Do the founders have a long term vision for the company?
- Are they down to earth people without any bloated egos?
- Do they really care about their reps? Are they “approachable?”
- Do they come from a past that is clean and virtuous? Do they follow business ethics?

Training & Mentoring:

This is an area in which I believe most people “miss the mark”, and I believe is THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect to consider. I certainly missed it when I first started my network marketing career. I failed miserably in other mlm’s due to poor and ineffective training and mentorship. Many mlm companies and their associates may be effective at “reeling you in,” but are they gonna stand by you and train you properly? Is your up line or mentor going to encourage your self development and growth? When the road gets rocky, the walls start tumbling down, and you become discouraged, will your sponsor be there to encourage you to hold your head up high, maintain your vision and keep pushing forward? The right mentor will empower you and inspire you in ways you never imagined possible.


Community is key for any type of business. In the network marketing arena, this is especially important for many reasons. Connecting with, and developing relationships with team members, up line support, CEO and the founders of the network marketing company is perhaps the most important. It creates a “family” atmosphere. It provides a place to pose questions, encourage one another and to discover tips and tricks from marketers who know “what works” and what doesn’t work. Some of the best online communities for network marketers include:

  • Better Networker
  • Forums
  • Facebook Team Groups
  • Facebook Mastermind Groups

Other things to consider when choosing a home business opportunity are product, compensation plan, placement in the company, as well how technological savvy they are.

Regardless of which network marketing company you decide to align yourself with, everyone MUST do their “homework” and make a decision based on these Keys to choosing a network marketing company that is suitable for them.

One last “tidbit” that may help you…

Network Marketing is based on the principle of giving first. You`ll find that when your goal is centered around giving into the lives of others, it releases a fire to your passion and sustenance that enables you to remain unstoppable and relentless, during challenging and tumultuous times.

To Your Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Wanna Work With Me In My Home Business?

My Mentor’s Mindset Training That PROGRAMMED My Mind For Success

Personal Asset Development Program

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