Overcoming Your Fear Of Rejection In Network Marketing On 02.13.13, In Home Based Business, Network Marketing Help, by Anne Fear of rejection is a very normal feeling, whether it be in your personal life, or your business life. Crippling fear is destructive and can become completely debilitating if you are trying to build a home business. In this quick video post, I’m gonna share the secret strategy I’ve used, that helped me overcome my fear of rejection, enabling me to introduce my Networking Marketing Business to anyone, anywhere…without any fear. Everyone experiences anxiety when faced with talking to others about their new home business. Sabotaging self chatter begins in your mind and eventually it will consume us. I was terrified when I first began introducing folks to my home business. I’d stare at the phone and shake. My heart would begin racing. I would literally play out the conversation in my mind before I even picked up the phone to call anyone. They are gonna think I’m trying to “Sell” them something They are gonna think I am trying to make $$ off of them They are gonna tell me I’m crazy and it’s a scam I really don’t know what to say to them I’m not sure I can answer their questions They are gonna say No Does this scenario sound all to familiar? In this quick video, I share the strategy I was taught, that helped me conquer my fear when introducing my network marketing business to my prospects. So, you see…we all experience the same fear and self chatter. The difference is successful network marketers have a fear of rejection too, they just do it anyway. These assumptions we place in our mind are destructive and serve absolutely no purpose to you, or will ever make you any $$ in your home business. When ever you feel that familiar fear of rejection creeping over you, crippling and terrifying you, Take Action and do it anyway. It is THESE defining moments that will show you what you are really made of . Just remember this simple concept: If you don’t even bother to ask, the answer is already NO. If you DO ask, there’s a 50/50 chance they will say YES. IF YOU NEVER ASK, THE ANSWER IS ALREADY NO If you wanna pick up the book I mentioned in the video, you can grab it here. The Go For No Official Site “I’ve learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear” ~ Nelson Mandela You Deserve Success and a Life Full of Abundance. To Your Abundance, Anne Theriault E-mail: anne@annemtheriault.com Sype: anne-theriault Wanna Work With Me? Numis Network’s Personal Asset Development Program My Mentor’s Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind For Success Did This Blog Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook, Twitter, or your Favorite Social Media Site Interact with me on Twitter Follow My Adventures on Facebook Subscribe To My Updates Via E-mail Related posts: Are You “Afraid” To Talk To People About Your Home Business? via karemlmsecrets.com
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