On 02.07.13, In Network Marketing Help, by AnneHas your Network Marketing business been “Flatlined?” If it is, it may be time to pull the life support plug, seek qualified help, and start learning and using some different techniques. It may be just a matter of shifting your thinking. In this post, I’m going to explain how I resuscitated my dead network marketing business into something that is very alive and well today.
A few years ago, I finally decided it was time to pull the plug on my traditional failing network marketing business, and allow it to die a quiet, peaceful, and dignified death. The honest truth is, I had been extremely selfish in letting it suffer for so long. Together, we had been assaulted, battered and bruised. My Network Marketing business had 2 shattered legs and had lost all of its pizzazz. The traditional network marketing principles I had been using, such as out dated, old school silly pitch and chase methods, along with harassing my circle of influence, were no longer effective in today’s’ modern network marketing world. I decided the time was right to bury my dead Network Marketing business, and move on.
“When one door closes, another one opens” ~ Alexander Graham Bell
Now the truth is, I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of achieving success with network marketing. I’ve always been someone who goes after what I want. I had never settled for mediocrity in my life, and I wasn’t about to start at this point. I had acquired a clear vision of success for myself, and I wasn’t willing to allow one failure knock me out of the game.
One Sunday afternoon, my network marketing perspective took a crucial turn. I finally humbled myself, turned to my good buddy Google, and typed in 3 simple words…”Network Marketing Help.” There it was, right in front of me. Staring back at me from my computer screen was the answer I had been looking for. It was called Attraction Marketing. Attraction Marketing is a proven network marketing training system, which teaches network marketing strategies and business principles.
It was written by a young man named Mike Dillard. Mike had also struggled with his Network Marketing career for a lengthy period of time. In his generous attempt to give back to other defeated network marketers, Mike wrote Magnetic Sponsoring, which is the exact formula he used to turn his tormented and distressed network marketing business into a success.
I opted in….and I began this tremendous magical journey I hope will never end.
I quickly immersed myself into this simple network marketing training program which had suddenly given me hope again.
The system teaches attraction marketing and leadership techniques, along with principles of human psychology. Magnetic Sponsoring advises you on how to shift your thinking away from ineffective old school network marketing techniques used by up-lines still stuck in the 80′s and 90’s.
Magnetic Sponsoring shows you how to embrace and implement the network marketing strategies and techniques used in today’s modern world. Mike teaches you that Network Marketing is a real business, not a “get rich quick” scheme, or a “sign up” game. Magnetic Sponsoring illustrates that the time and effort you put into your network marketing business will be directly related to the success you will achieve.
I quickly began to comprehend that Network Marketing had nothing to do with the company’s product or the compensation plan I had been regurgitating to everyone about for so long. Network marketing was essentially about building solid relationships, credence, trust, and about helping other people achieve their dreams of success.
Magnetic Sponsoring teaches you that once these standard business and leadership principles are implemented, building your network marketing company downline…is basically “a piece of cake.”
Today, my network marketing business has 2 strong legs, is vigorous, healthy and very much alive. There is not a solitary sign of sickness, frailty, nor does it display a single limitation.
If you sense that your Network Marketing business is circling the drain or is heading for the grave, I suggest you stop chasing your tail, and learn network marketing techniques the professional marketers are using to build their network marketing empires.
By providing value to others and becoming a problem solver, you are able to attract folks TO you, instead of repelling them AWAY from you.
If you are ready “To Pulling the Plug” on your Dead MLM…check out how Magnetic Sponsoring can resuscitate your Home Business, and put you back in the game.
To Your Abundance,
Anne TheriaultMy Mentor’s Mindset Training That PROGRAMMED My Mind For Success
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