My Blockbuster Miracle
Have you ever wondered about that “gut” feeling or “Inner Voice” we all carry with us? How many times have you asked yourself where your life would be if you had made a different choice at a certain time? Could the Universe really be trying to communicate with us?
Destiny? Fate? Coincidence?
There are turning points in our lives. Whether we recognize them or not, they can happen to any one of us, anywhere at any time. Mine came in the form of a Mom and her young son. I invite you to follow me as I share with you my life altering encounter that would forever change the path my life would take.
March 17, 2006.
I had been invited to a St. Patrick’s Day party but gracefully declined, deciding instead, to spend a quiet night at home watching movies. As I was sifting through the endless choices at the local Blockbuster store, a woman shopping with her young son engages me in a conversation. Small talk ensues, inadvertently shifting to business. We quickly became friends. As the weeks passed, our friendship grew. We were introduced to each other’s worlds, where we live, what our likes and dislikes are and what we do for work. We all experience this as we develop friendships never consciously thinking about it. This time was different. My instincts were telling me that there was something about her that really made me want to know “what made her tick.”
She was a single Mom, running three businesses out of her home, along with raising two very active young children, yet always doing it in a loving and nurturing way with a smile on her face.
Monday morning observation 8:00 am
The kids are getting ready for school. She is on the telephone in her home office as the other phone line starts ringing. As someone begins knocking at the door, her 9 year old son is at her desk asking where his shoes and homework are. She glances around the room and notices the dog is chewing on one of the shoes underneath the secretary’s desk. Within a few minutes, she manages it all and things are back to normal.
More than likely we have all been through something very similar. How we handle the situation depends on our character. Seeing her “put out all of these fires” with such patience, finesse and grace, I was awestruck. Why was she able to do this when I thought I was ready to jump off a bridge? The answer is simple.
She was happy in her “World.”
I quickly realized my world was cheating me out of something I felt I justly deserved…happiness. After all, the world owed me just that! I had followed life’s protocol. Graduating from high school, I had gone to College, and earned my bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology. For nearly 18 years, I had pursued my career as a Medical Technologist at the local Medical Center. So why was I so miserable? Why didn’t I feel like I was making a difference? What was my purpose in life? The answer again became apparent to me.
I was not happy in my “World.”
I had allowed “life’s protocol” to determine my happiness. After all, that is what society teaches us. At that instant I had two choices. I could keep things status quo with my mundane life, or I could step out of my comfort zone and start making some changes. The choice had become abundantly clear to me. As I watched my new “friend from the movie store,” I realized she also had something I seemed to have lost along the way. She had spirit. She had a love and a passion for life and for the things that surround us everyday…people, work, kids and sheer chaos. These were not burdens to her, they were blessings.
Suddenly and unknowingly, she had ignited an entrepreneur spark inside of me. And so my mission began.
August 2006…5 months later.
I have decided to leave my job. I am now unemployed. I am free and facing fear right in the face, but I am happy. My life is now in my control. The decisions and choices I make about the days to come are now on my terms. I am in command of my own destiny…my future is my own, and my spirit is back!
Oct. 2009
The last three years have taken me through trials, tribulations, uncertainty, and ultimately great successes. I am the owner of a Successful Landscaping Company I built with my own two hands. My feet are also now firmly planted on the ground. My vision is clear. I am on the road to living my dream through the exciting world of Internet and Network Marketing. I love ringing phones, interruptions and unexpected chaos again!
Today…February 2013
Magical and exciting adventures continue to surface in my life every day. I have learned to Attract and Manifest EXACTLY what I want for myself through my thoughts and actions. I was able to sell my landscaping business a few years ago in the most dire economy, since the Great Depression.
Some folks say “I was lucky.” There is no such thing. I was able to sell my business because I “Believed” I would. I created a clear vision and NEVER lost sight of it. I made it sell, by my thoughts and by Setting My Intention…
…….and The Universe Responded Accordingly.
I thank my “friend from the movie store” for unlocking that part of me that was quietly hiding behind a wall of fear. I also thank the Universe for consistently sending me messages to follow my “gut.” I will never know if it was destiny, fate or coincidence that brought us together on that day in March. What I do know, is my life would never be as abundant as it is today, if I had made a different choice.
Keep your eyes, mind and heart wide open as you never know when, or in what form your miracle will appear…
To Your Abundance,
Anne Theriault
Sype: anne-theriault
~ My Mentor’s Powerful Mindset Training That Crafted And Programmed My Mind To Attract Abundance and The Many Blessings I am So Grateful for Today ~
How I Became an "Intentional Creator" of My Amazing & Beautiful Life
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